Monday 13 October 2008 Design Futures - Initial Idea

My initial idea involved creating a receiver box which remotely reads an embedded signal from from watermarked audio tracks at licensed music venues. This would be placed in any club / venue which pay an annual licensing fee to play music to an audience. This fee is usually paid, to the country's governing body (BMI-U.K, IMRO-Ireland). It would be supplied by the licensing body as part of the annual fee which the venue already pays. As the devise could accuracy record the number of plays for each piece of music, the licensing body could work out, a much more accurate way of distributing the fee to the individual recording artist. This could also be used as a marketing research tool for both the record companies involved and the governing body itself.
For this concept to be successful it would have to have the full backing of the licensed music industry included recording artists, record labels and all the music venues involved.

Exsisting Technology:

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