Monday 27 October 2008 Acoustic fingerprint - The Logical Alternative

Acoustic fingerprint

"An acoustic fingerprint is a digital measure of certain acoustic properties that is deterministically generated from an audio signal that can be used to identify an audio sample or quickly locate similar items in an audio database."

This seems the most logical way of identifying audio as this method does not include DRM I think a technology of this kind will be a much more viable solution of reading audio information compared to DRM, as it does not impose restrictions on transferring audio into different audio formats.

This technology is at a very advanced stage and right now is capable of identifying individual audio tracks from a particular artist or group even after audio compression has been applied e.g. converted to MP3, Wave and Aiff.
Another impressive advancement in this technology is the ability to identify an original master recording among all other copies; this ID is so accurate it can be used as forensic evidence in a court of law.
This point surely one which Lev Manovich would smile at as he in a way predicted this technology through his essay "THE PARADOXES OF DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY"
It is discussed in the essay’s reference to William Mitchell's book "The Reconfigured Eye: Visual Truth in the Post-photographic Era."

"3. Mitchell's third distinction concerns the inherent mutability of a digital image." - THE PARADOXES OF DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY - Lev Manovich

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